Hanieh Kaheli
Project:  bunq- Onboarding Redesign
Role: Product Designer
In this project, I had the opportunity to improve the user onboarding experience bunq’s app, making it more efficient and user-friendly. The primary objectives were to increase the conversion rate of the onboarding and verification steps by enhancing the overall user experience and giving the whole process a modern facelift.
My Role
As the product designer for this project, I was responsible for the following:
•  Collaborating with the product owner to define project objectives and constraints.
•  Identifying gaps using data analysis.
•  Creating wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs consistent with the design system.
•  Conducting usability testing to validate the new flow
•  Working closely with developers to ensure the seamless implementation of the redesigned flow.
Key Challenge
One of the primary challenges was finding the correct amount of change without alienating the users and being consistent with the rest of the app. We needed to make sure that the new design resonated with existing users and met industry standards. I identified 2 areas of improvement. The registration form was long and not user-friendly which would have caused the users to abandon it mid-way. The 2nd area was since users wouldn’t get the option to verify directly after the registration, so providing the users with this option could be an improvement to the conversion rate.
Funnel Data Analysis
To identify the gaps in the onboarding flow, I analyzed funnel data to pinpoint where users were dropping off during the onboarding process. The data showed the gaps and areas of interest both at registration and the verification. This data-driven approach provided crucial insights into areas for improvement.
Design Exploration and Prototyping
I began by sketching and brainstorming alternative registration flows in close collaboration with the design lead and the product owner. I created several wireframes to visualise the step-by-step process and iterated on these designs based on team discussions and feedback. Once we had a solid wireframe, I created an interactive prototype using Figma to allow stakeholders and potential users to navigate through the onboarding process and provide feedback.
Usability Testing
I conducted usability testing with a group of participants to assess the effectiveness of the new flow. This process involved identifying any usability issues and making necessary adjustments. the test provided feedback for us to reiterate over the designs and create the final design.
Outcome verification
Nothing is complete without verifying the outcome and comparing the results with the previous iterations. The comparison provided a positive increase in our user conversion. But it is not the final step. Every design must be validated over time and perform any changes and iteration based on the users' needs.
The key solution to address the challenges was dividing the registration flow into manageable steps, effectively reducing the cognitive load on users. As for the gap in the verification rate, we noticed that after the registration, the path to verification but not visible to the users and to address that our design included a seamless step to provide users with an option to continue their onboarding process into the verification.
Final Design
We were able to effortlessly gain a huge win in terms of conversion rate by approaching the problem in a data-driven way. That provided me with data I needed to adjust the flow in a user-centric way. By implementing the redesigned onboarding flow, we achieved a remarkable 5.3% increase in the onboarding conversion rate.
Bonus Outcome
The redesign moved the Terms and Conditions (T&C) section to the first step of the registration flow. This allowed us to gather user contact details early in the process. We leveraged this information to collaborate with the CRM team to create personalized re-engagement strategies for users who had abandoned the registration process. This led to a 23.7% increase in the rate of users returning to complete their registration.
Final Notes
This project underscored the importance of data-driven design decisions, as analyzing funnel data allowed us to pinpoint issues and make informed changes. It also showed how a simple and basic redesign can have a significant impact if used in the correct place.
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