Hanieh Kaheli
Project:  bunq - Improving Upsell Screens
Role: Product Designer
As a Product Designer at bunq, I had the opportunity to work on a challenging and impactful project aimed at improving our upsell conversion rate within our app. The primary objective was to encourage users to upgrade to higher-priced plans by creating a more seamless and consistent user experience.
My Role
As the product designer for this project, I was responsible for the following:
•  Collaborating with the product owner to define project objectives and constraints.
•  Identifying gaps using data analysis.
• Creating wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs consistent with the design system.
•  Conducting usability testing to validate the new flow
•  Working closely with developers to ensure the seamless implementation of the redesigned flow.
Key Challenge
One of the objectives set was user engagement and upsell conversion. We had previously employed a set of pop-up screens, referred to as "paywalls," that appeared when users attempted to access features not included in their current plans. However, these paywalls were inconsistent in design and did not adhere to our established design system. This inconsistency not only marred the user experience but also made it difficult for users to understand the benefits of upgrading their plans. We wanted our users to understand the features they currently had and be able to see what is the value of upgrading to a higher-priced plan.
To tackle this challenge effectively, I collaborated closely with the data and backend teams to gain a deeper understanding of user behavior and engagement with our paywalls. By implementing event tracking and metrics within these paywalls, we collected valuable data that allowed us to make informed design decisions.
Data-Driven Insights
We began by analyzing user interactions and click-through rates with the existing paywalls. This analysis revealed crucial insights into which paywalls were most effective and which ones needed improvement. We discovered that users responded better to paywalls that clearly explained the value of upgrading to access specific features.
Design System Alignment
To ensure a consistent and cohesive user experience, we integrated the paywall designs with our established design system. This alignment helped convey a sense of professionalism and trust to our users, making them more inclined to consider the upgrade.
Feature-Based Paywalls
We introduced a series of feature-based paywalls that provided users with concise and informative descriptions of the specific feature they were trying to access. These new paywalls were designed to communicate the benefits of upgrading and the added value users would receive by doing so.
A/B Testing
To validate our design changes and optimize their performance, we conducted A/B testing with different variants of the paywalls. This allowed us to measure the impact of the new designs and make data-driven decisions.
Outcome verification
Users responded more favorably to the consistent and feature-based paywalls, leading to a higher rate of plan upgrades. The data-driven approach and A/B testing also provided valuable insights that helped us fine-tune our designs for maximum effectiveness. The outcome had a very important insight. Although we saw a decrease in the rate paywalls have shown, but there was an increase in the confirmed upgrades showing that around all of the users who have seen a paywall decided to upgrade.
Final Design
This visual shows the before and after of my design. On the left, is the generic paywall a user would get regardless of the feature they wanted to use. It didn't provide any insight to the user on why they were receiving this paywall and what is the value they would get if they'd upgrade. On the right, the paywalls have been designed specific to different features which explain their plan requirement, information all in a single view in contrast to the slideshow design of the previous design.
Final Notes
This project underscored the importance of data-driven design decisions, as analyzing funnel data allowed us to pinpoint issues and make informed changes. It also showed how a simple and basic redesign can have a significant impact if used in the correct place.
Onboarding Redesign